Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Obama's Jealousy

Tonight's State of the Union was a window into the soul of the current leader of the greatest country in the world (who often acts like the mere leader of a 3rd world state). Between his eloquent campaign utterances, and childish poking at the GOP, Obama revealed something I hadn't noticed before: He is Jealous of the Supreme Court.

After his battle on Health Care, where he has to cow-tow to spineless pikers in the Senate like Sens Ben Nelson and Mary Landreau, and where he has to personally inject Madame Pelosi with enough Botox to keep advancing the flag in the House, he may have finally realized that being President doesn't actually mean you can do what you want. Being America, this is a Representative Democracy, a Republic, where people are held accountable, and rules still apply. It is not a 3rd world dictatorship like Cuba or Venezuela. When Obama considers the recent decision on Campaign Finance Reform (AKA Free Speech) by the even-keeled Supreme Court, he is jealous of their ability to act without the opportunity for Filibuster, jaded at their extra-political decisiveness.

Obama was the first African-American President of the Harvard Law Review. (I cannot find evidence if Harry Reid endorsed him then, or if his being light-skinned with a lack of Negro dialect played a role in his election.) Whether or not Obama was as ineffectual in his first year as President of the Law Review as he has been as POTUS is unknown, since most of his scholastic records are not available. However, did report on the one Harvard Law Review paper that could be discovered:

In looking down at the Justices of the Supreme Court (different from when he looks down at all Americans on a daily basis only because they wear Black Robes, and Rahm told him they wouldn't fight back) Obama scoffed at the only individuals who are more powerful then him, wishing he could be them -or stop them when they disagree with his ideology. Think of some of the Justices, and their proven intelligence: Scalia, Thomas, Alito, Roberts. Any one of them has more documented cognitive intelligence in any of their written opinions then Barack Obama has mustered in the complete documented record of his life, education, or rise to power (Bill Ayers embellishing of his autobiographies not withstanding). As a Community Organizer, he could lie, shill, rally, and achieve. As a Leader he has to listen, analyze, package, hope, intimidate and bribe others to help him pass his agenda.

After being POTUS for only a year, Obama now wishes he was smart enough, good enough, and worked hard enough to be a successful, quality attorney that could have somehow become a judge - a judge who, through years of reasoned, blind discretion, could rise to the top of the
world of enforcing and interpreting laws.. a Justice of the Supreme Court.

President Obama - you may have fooled enough voters to elect you as President, but you will never be a Justice on the Supreme Court of the United States of America. As long as reasoned Justices remain, the Constitution will Survive your failed Presidency.

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